Released in October 2022 after a three-year creation period, Pomegranate Tree emerged from a period of freedom and ease in songwriting for Aphir, at the same time as showcasing her deliberate and considered production.
Aphir’s context within a community of local talent has been an essential part of the development of her production style over the years, and this collection of remixes sees some of her regular collaborators and local influences give their own flavour to her tracks.
Both Lack the Low and Arrom’s talents are featured on the original album so it is only appropriate that their reworks of Pomegranate Tree and Red Giant are featured here. MXMars and Mino also flex their unique production talents here on Advice and Waking respectively.
Of her friends’ offerings, Aphir says: “I always feel weird about doing remix EPs because I’m like, oh maybe people don’t have time or don’t want to devote time to changing an existing song when they could be making their own songs etc etc. But when a body of work like this comes together and people are genuinely invested in the songs the result is literally seeing your work reflected back through someone else’s creativity and there’s something really beautiful about that.”
As well as celebrating the work of her peers, this collection also closes out with Aphir’s own stripped-back choral drone rework of Equinox.
1. Advice (MXMars Remix)
2. Red Giant (Arrom Remix)
3. Pomegranate Tree (Lack The Low Remix)
4. Waking (Mino Remix)
5. Equinox (live choral drone version)
released March 23, 2023